
Jean-Michel Mercier, kinésiologist and cofounder of the Concussion Institue will give the conference : « Retourner au jeu après une commotion cérébrale : comment allier sécurité et performance? » prensented at the Salon Bouge Montreal at the Pierre-Charbonneau Center at 3pm on January 8th. DÉTAILS ON THE SALON BOUGE...

Dr Dave Ellemberg talks about the importance of consulting after an impact to the head caused by winter activities on the radio show: Les éclaireurs de Radio-Canada.   You can listen to the recorded interview here: *Interview only available in French*...

Dr Dave Ellemberg, cofounder of the Concussion Institute, comments the recent discovery of a protein that could eventually be able to indicate if a player is fully recovered from a concussion on the Médium Large radio show at Radio-Canada.   You can listen to the recording here: *Interview is in French*...